Year | Award |
2021 |
The ROBUST Long-Term Program in preparation (Co-I) |
2019-Ongoing |
Marie-Curie ITN, Natural Language for Explainable AI (Co-I) |
2019 |
Mekelprize for responsible innovation |
2019-Ongoing |
PhD studentship on "Representing diverse views for polarized topics online". This is a project with IBM Benelux, funded by CLICK_NL |
2018-June 2022 |
Devising Metrics for Assessing Echo Chambers, Incivility, and Intolerance (funded by Twitter) |
2017 |
Designing Artificial Advice Givers that Consider Perspective and Affect in Reasoning. Funded by the Delft Design for Values Open Subsidy. |
2017 |
Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Education and Learning: SuSPECT: Scaffolding Student PErspectives for Critical Thinking.
2017 |
TU Delft Technology Fellowship grant (success rate ~8%): ENSURE (ExplaiNing SeqUences in REcommendations)
2016 |
English Higher Education and Innovation Fund (HEIF) grant for the project: Data Science and Analytics Training and Engagement Services for Business. With Bogdan Gabrys (PI), Kaska Musial-Gabrys, Marcin Budka, and Paul Yoo.
2015 |
SICSA Postdoctoral and Early Career Researcher Exchanges (PECE) award |
2014 |
Travel grant RefNet summer school on Psychological and Computational Models of Language Production
2013 |
Travel grant for course on Communication & Impact (2013)
2010 |
Travel grant by EPSRC grant EP/E011764/1, and the Royal Academy of Engineering
2008 |
Best student paper at Adaptive Hypermedia
2007 |
Recipient of full student scholarship and invited presenter in the doctoral session at the Recommender Systems Conference (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
2006 |
Recipient of student scholarship and presenter in the student sessions at the
Recommender'06 Late Summer School Bilbao, Spain (2006)